Monday, January 19, 2009

I'm a Dreamer

I am a dreamer. A big one.

Here are a few of my dreams:

1) To someday be a household name.
2) Make a film that makes millions.
3) Make a film I'm proud of and that effects people for God's Kingdom.
4) Love people selflessly and live with no regrets.
5) Get married to a wife that loves God more than me and start a family with said wife.

So, you see how my priorities are a bit mixed up? I struggle with lusting after the world's idea of success. However, it's something that's been weighing down on my mind heavily lately. I have been struggling with this. I've been praying about it and discussing it with friends....because when it all comes down to it, what does it profit if you gain the whole world but lose your soul? Here are the dreams I'm working on.

1) Love everybody with Christ's love.
2) Make films that further God's Kingdom.
3) Marry a beautiful wife that loves God and start a family with her...raise kids that love and serve God.
4) Step out of my comfort zone to help those in need.
5) Vigorously enjoy every single second I'm blessed's too short not to.

1 comment:

Parker Bohm said...

I face the same temptation in my life. I guess the most important thing for me to know is that I can have my dreams and aspirations, but, in the end, God will do with me what he wants :)